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Below is an annotated transcript describing the courses I completed in Michigan State University's Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program. 

Course Acronyms: CEP= Counseling, Education, & Psychology

Spring 2017

CEP 811

Adapting Innovative Technologies to Education

Instructor: A. Pietrowski

During this course, I was introduced to the Maker movement. This course was designed to teach engaging and interactive methods for education. Throughout this course I took an in depth look at Maker education and began to think like an innovative educator. This course challenged me to think outside of the box to create engaging and innovative lessons. 

Summer 2017

CEP 810

Teaching for Understanding with Technology

Instructors: E. Stone & N. Zumpano

In this course, I worked to build my Personal Learning Network (PLN) by utilizing a blog, my Twitter account, and YouTube to learn a new skill. I learned about the power of online learning networks and how they can be utilized for education. I was also introduced to TPACK (Technology, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge) which describes the idea that the three aforementioned elements are best used and taught together rather than in isolation to produce effective and engaging instruction. This course opened up my eyes to great technological tools used to enhance classroom instruction.

CEP 812

Applying Educational Technology to Issues of Practice

Instructors: K. Bradford & A. Steinman

During my course work in CEP 812, I was asked to tackle an issue within education. I worked with a partner to research, survey, and analyze data to come up with a positive solution for changing the way we teach and assess students.  In addition to gathering research, I was challenged to use many forms of multi-media presentations such as videos and info-graphics. This course awakened my passion to rethink education. It stretched me to think creatively to apply technological tools to solve a problem in education.

Fall 2017

CEP 813

Electronic Assessment for Teaching and Learning

Instructors: K. Gallagher & S. Greenhalgh

This course challenged me to closely evaluate assessments for their effectiveness by designing a rubric for assessments. After taking this course, my knowledge of effective assessments and assessment tools greatly increased. This course completely changed the way I not only view assessments, but how I create and utilize them as well.  I now strive to make sure that I use them as tools and not just data points. 

CEP 820

Teaching Students Online

Instructors: A. Heintz & K. Staudt Willet

This course helped to grow my knowledge base about online Learning Management Systems (LMS)  and how they can be utilized to create classroom instruction online. During this course, I worked to create an online math unit that was designed to be self-paced. I developed techniques to create an engaging and effective online classroom presence as well.  After this course, I feel prepared to critically analyze online courses and  create effective and engaging online curriculum. 

Spring 2018

CEP 815

Technology and Leadership

Instructor: K. Shack

This course was effective in preparing me for a technology leadership role in my school district. Through out this course, I was asked to step into the shoes of a technology administration role. I was asked to make decisions supported by research and address the concerns of stakeholders in the school. After completing this course, I now feel equipped to take on a technology leadership role within my school. 

CEP 817

Learning Technology

through Design

Instructors: C. Marcotte, C. Richardson, & K. Staudt Willet

CEP 817 was a thrilling and creatively challenging course. I heavily examined the method of design thinking to come up with creative solutions. This was a powerful course that pushed me to think outside of the box and think about education in a new way. This course left a lasting impression that will affect the way I design all of my future curriculum and lesson plans. 

Summer 2018

CEP 800

Psychology of School and Other Settings

Instructors: D. Brandon & A. Sharma

In CEP 800, I examined the psychology of education and how it can affect how we teach in our classrooms. Throughout this course, I worked to develop effective methods for teaching my students so they will develop content mastery. This course reminded me of the significant role behaviorism plays in education.  I closely examined the psychology behind learning and how that knowledge should affect how we teach.

CEP 822

Approaches to Educational Research

Instructors: E. Wong, C. Cheng, & Dr. S. Mehta

This course helped me gain a better understanding for effective research and how it can be used in education. I closely analyzed studies to form ideas about education based in research. I learned how to examine an article to determine its quality and validity. Before this course, I neglected to understand the importance that quality research can be to educators. Upon completing this course, I feel prepared to find quality research and utilize it to become a more informed educator. 

CEP 807

Capstone in Educational Technology 

Instructors: M. Koehler,S. Greenhalgh, S. Keenan-Lechel, & S. Moudgalya

This course serves as a culmination of all my work and ideas formulated during the Master of Arts and Educational Technology program. It was through this course that I designed and created this online portfolio. Throughout this course, I was asked to closely reflect on the work I completed through the Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program. Upon completing this course, I feel more confident than ever, to use the tools the MAET program has equipped me with to transform the way I teach and lead others. 

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