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Transformative  Education

Future Learning Goals

By: Noelle Fleszar

       When I began teaching in 2013, I did not envision myself becoming an educational technology enthusiast, but 5 years later in 2018, this is where I find myself. I began this journey when I accepted the role of Technology World Language teacher. I found myself in a room full of computers, and out of necessity learned how to integrate them into my everyday instruction. From that point on I was hooked. I later switched into a 5th grade teaching position and won a grant for one-to-one Chromebooks for my class. I currently teach 3rd grade, and have created a blended learning space utilizing technology and now I thirst for more knowledge on technology integration. That was why I decided to pursue my Master's at Michigan State University for Educational Technology. Although my degree is complete, I am not done learning. My goal is to integrate Project-Based Learning, become an innovative educator, and become a leader in technology integration.


       Throughout my course work in the Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program, I came to realize that the education system is in need of some change. As the world around us is rapidly changing, it is important that our education system changes as well. Our goal as educators is to prepare our students for the future. Therefore, what we teach and how we teach needs to change as well. My goal is to become an innovative educator that re-imagines the traditional ways we teach in order to challenge and prepare students for the future. One way that I will work to achieve this goal is to attend educational technology conferences such as Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL). This conference and conferences like this provide platforms for innovative teachers to share the amazing learning going on in their schools and classrooms. This is a powerful conference that inspires ingenuity and creativity in education, creativity that leads to technology integration.


       In addition to becoming an innovative educator, I also would like to become a leader in technology integration within my school district. Within the last year, my school district has partnered with a company called Communications by Design (CBD). This company is a consulting firm that works to help teachers integrate technology and use these tools to create effective and innovative lessons. I plan to meet with our CBD coaches to learn how to best integrate technology into my classroom and set an example for other teachers in my building to do the same. I hope to use what I learn from my experiences to help other teachers positively utilize technology in their classrooms.


       My goal in utilizing technology and becoming an innovative educator is to create a learning environment that is impactful, challenging, and engaging for my students. I want the learning to be something that is remembered because it was applicable and meaningful. One way that I hope to do this is through utilizing Project-Based Learning. This method of teaching helps students take the concrete information they have learned and apply it to everyday situations. Project-Based Learning (PBL) is a great way for students to show their depth of knowledge in a specific content skill. I plan to learn about implementing Project-Based Learning by watching keynote speaker videos about integrating PBL from Buck Institute for Education’s Free online courses . For a more in-depth course, I plan on participating in the online courses from the Project-Based Learning website. Project-Based Learning has powerful implications for education and my goal is to utilize this method of teaching to make learning applicable and impactful.



       Education needs to evolve with our ever-changing world. It is important for educators to prepare students for the future. This can be a daunting task as we do not always know what the future holds. However, I believe that technology can be used as a powerful tool in education to help students critically think, communicate more effectively, connect to a wider audience, and make a positive impact in the world around us. My goal as an educator is to help my students prepare for the future, but more than that, my goal is to help them become positive instruments for change by becoming great thinkers, creators, and innovators. Reaching my goals of integrating Project-Based Learning, becoming an innovative educator, and becoming a leader in technology integration will help me better prepare my students for the future. There is always more to learn and always room to grow. As education changes, I will strive to learn the best teaching methods and tools to create an efficacious learning space for my students.

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