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Graduate Work

Welcome to my graduate work showcase. Throughout my course work in the Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program at Michigan State University, I have been challenged to  re-imagine and re-design everything that I had formerly thought about education. This program has pushed me to become a better designer, creator, innovator, and most of all educator. The MAET program has encouraged me to re-design education so that my students are engaged, challenged, and prepared for their future. Please enjoy the documents and links in my showcase that give you a glimpse into all of my learning throughout this program.

Below you will find three main categories of work:

Instruction: In this category, I focus on showcasing lesson plans and activities that I created to be used as classroom instruction. Both of the lessons shown have been utilized in my personal classrooms. 

Design: This category contains two essays and a video that were created by utilizing design thinking. Each assignment walks through the process of design thinking and the positive effects it can have for thinking up creative solutions. 

Re-Thinking Education: Throughout my coursework in the Educational Technology program, I have been challenged to re-think education and design creative ways to engage students in learning. The elements within this category work to demonstrate my ideas on ways to re-think education that leads to powerful learning. 


In this category, I focus on showcasing lesson plans and activities that I created to be used as classroom instruction. Both of the lessons shown have been utilized in my personal classrooms. 


This category contains two essays and a video that were created by utilizing design thinking. Each assignment walks through the process of design thinking and the positive effects it can have for thinking up creative solutions.

Examine this essay to learn about design thinking and my process along the way.
Design Thinking

In this essay, I reflect on my learning  as I grappled with my problem of practice: students not being engaged with the Science and Social Studies curriculum.  To solve this problem I worked through the design thinking process to create  a cross-curricular community-based project. 

Problem of Practice
Watch this video to learn more about the steps needed to complete the Testing phase in the Design Thinking Process. 

In this video I discuss the different elements in the Testing phase of the Design Thinking Process.  Every step of the Design Thinking Process is important to the devevlopment of an idea. 

Testing and Design

Re-Thinking Education

Throughout my coursework in the Educational Technology program, I have been challenged to re-think education and design creative ways to engage students in learning. The elements within this category work to demonstrate my ideas on ways to re-think education that leads to powerful learning. 

Read through this essay and discover innovative ways to re-imagine learning in your classroom. 
Design Thinking

This essay discusses the ways educators can re-imagine learning through collaborative Problem-Based Learning.   This assignment encouraged me to re-imagine ways in which we instruct and assess students. 

Take a closer look at this info-graphic to see how we can re-think education. 
Design Thinking

I created this info-graphic to examine the Why and Hows of rethinking education.  I compared classrooms of the past  to transformative classrooms of today. 

Watch this video to review the research gathers from other educators about rethinking education. 

This video was created in conjunction with a multi-modal info-graphic. It was used to compile all of the research my teammate and I collected about rethinking education for the 21st century. 

Research Presentation

Photo Credit: 

All photos on this page were created by Noelle Fleszar

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